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What To Do When Your Assets are Seized in Texas

 Posted on October 18,2023 in Uncategorized

Dallas asset forfeiture lawyer Having your property seized through civil asset forfeiture can be overwhelming. Understanding your rights and promptly working with an attorney can give you the strongest chance of challenging the seizure and regaining your assets. There are different key steps you can take with a Texas lawyer.

The First Step is To Consult an Attorney

Working with well-versed Texas asset forfeiture laws when you learn of a seizure is vital. Strict deadlines exist for contesting seizures, so moving quickly with this step is critical. An attorney can evaluate whether the seizure complies with state laws and help you craft a strategic response to challenge it.

Find Out Why the Seizure Took Place

Find out exactly why your property was targeted and learn the specific grounds stated for seizure. Common justifications include:

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Penalties for Money Laundering Convictions in Texas

 Posted on October 04,2023 in Uncategorized

Dallas money laundering lawyerMoney laundering is a serious financial crime that can lead to harsh criminal penalties if convicted. Understanding the potential sanctions under Texas statutes can underscore the substantial legal risks. You should also know you have a legal right to work with a Texas lawyer to help you through your case.

How Texas Law Defines Money Laundering

Texas’ penal code Chapter 34 outlines the state’s money laundering laws. Charges can be brought in Texas for the following:

  • Knowingly concealing;
  • Acquiring;
  • Maintaining an interest in;
  • Receiving;
  • Transporting;
  • Transmitting;
  • Transferring funds that were obtained through criminal means. 

Penalties for Money Laundering Depend on the Amount

In Texas, the criminal penalties for a money laundering conviction vary depending on the monetary value of the illegally laundered funds. Prosecutors aggregate the total proceeds in a single scheme or course of conduct when determining the charge classification.

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Defending Against Allegations of Credit Card Fraud in Texas

 Posted on September 28,2023 in Uncategorized

Dallas Federal Crimes Defense LawyerIf you have been accused of credit card fraud or financial crimes in Texas, it is vital to work with a Texas lawyer. False allegations can seriously damage finances, professional prospects, and reputation if not handled assertively. An attorney can evaluate the charges and evidence and build a strong defense strategy.

Limiting Initial Statements

If questioned by law enforcement, creditors, or other agencies about suspicious financial activities, politely decline to answer substantive questions or make statements until you have legal representation. Comments made without a lawyer present could be taken out of context or used against you. Only provide basic identifying information until you have an attorney to advise you.

Assessing the Charges and Evidence

Provide your attorney with access to all details surrounding the allegations and purported evidence against you. They will thoroughly review the specifics of the charges and examine the basis for them. Look for any weak points, flaws, gaps, incorrect assumptions, improper interpretations, or indications of mistaken identity/identity theft that could be used to contest the allegations. If any fraudulent accounts were opened or credit cards used in your name without authorization, your attorney can also request proof of such activities from creditors and lenders.

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Healthcare Fraud in Texas: Know the Warning Signs

 Posted on September 12,2023 in Uncategorized

Dallas Healthcare Fraud Defense LawyerHealthcare fraud costs Texans millions annually through improper Medicaid/Medicare claims, inflated costs, kickbacks, and other schemes that exploit health programs. Learning to identify the red flags of medical fraud can help expose the truth and reduce losses. If you think you are involved with fraud, a healthcare fraud lawyer can help you with the next steps to address the issue.

Billing for Services Never Performed

One of the clearest signs of healthcare fraud is being billed for care you never received. This includes charges for missed appointments you canceled, forged signatures on sign-in sheets, and invoices listing diagnostic tests that were never ordered or completed. Review bills closely and watch for providers billing your insurance for appointments that were canceled ahead of time, as these bogus charges are frequently a sign of fraudulent billing practices. You should also be suspicious if you start receiving bills for medical services that have no explanation or that you have zero recollection of ever receiving.

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Can I Protect Assets from Seizure When Accused of Embezzlement?

 Posted on August 31,2023 in Uncategorized

Dallas, TX asset forfeiture lawyerIf you are accused of embezzlement, you may worry that your assets can be taken away. The steps you can take to protect your assets will depend on your specific circumstances. However, there are some general things you can do, such as talking to a lawyer, moving your assets into a blind trust, giving up ownership of your assets, hiring a financial advisor, or considering bankruptcy.

It is important to remember that there is no guarantee that any of these steps will work, but they can help improve your chances of protecting your assets and your financial future. An experienced Dallas, TX, embezzlement attorney may be able to assist you in protecting your hard-earned wealth.

Consult an Attorney

When you consult with an attorney, be sure to bring all of the documentation you have about your assets, including bank statements, investment statements, property deeds, and any other relevant documents. Be honest with your attorney about your financial situation and about any assets that you may have hidden. Ask them about the specific laws in Texas regarding asset seizure and about the best strategies for protecting your assets.

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What Can You Do When Facing Tax Fraud Charges in Texas?

 Posted on August 18,2023 in Uncategorized

Texas federal crimes defense lawyerFacing tax fraud charges in Texas can be an overwhelming and distressing experience. Tax fraud is a serious offense that can result in severe penalties, including fines, imprisonment, and damage to your reputation. If you find yourself in this difficult situation, it is essential to take immediate action to protect your rights and mount a strong defense.

Where to Begin?

The first and most crucial step when facing charges of tax fraud is to hire a defense attorney experienced in tax fraud cases. A skilled attorney can offer vital advice, defend your rights throughout the legal process, and mount a strong defense on your behalf. They will educate you about the specific fraudulent charges you are facing, helping you comprehend the gravity of the situation and make better informed decisions. Your defense attorney will work closely with you, gather all relevant financial documents, tax returns, and records, and identify potential defenses to challenge the allegations.

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